Sunday 28 December 2014



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                                               B.Ed (Ist  Year)


                                                             Assignment 1

Answer the following questions in about 500 words each

i) Explain the important sources of curriculum evaluation.   (500 words)
ii) Discuss the use of effective questioning with the help of suitable example.  (500 words)
iii) Suppose you have a very disruptive students in your class, explain the various techniques which you will use to manage the classroom.    (500 words)
                                                 Assignment 1

Answer the following questions

i) Discuss Piaget’s cognitive approach to learning.    

ii)  Explain the concept of social adjustment. Illustrate how social adjustment promotes good interpersonal relation.    
iii)   How does the socio-economic status of the family affect the educational development of girl students? Identify the factors hindering the academic achievement of SC and ST (one each) girl students in your school. Develop interventional teaching strategies for dealing with their academic problems and discuss the outcome.

                        ES-333: EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION

                                              Assignment 1

Answer the following questions   
i)  Briefly explain three characteristics of good evaluation in tool.    

ii) Distinguish with suitable examples Formative and Summative evaluation.    
iii) As a teacher, you must have carried out Remediation. Explain with illustrations the steps  you have followed for Remediation.   

                                       ES-341: TEACHING OF SCIENCE
                                                          Assignment 1
Answer the following questions
i)   Discuss aims and objectives of teaching science at secondary level.    

ii)  Briefly explain the concept, advantages and limitation of “Lecture cum Demonstration method” for teaching science.    
iii)  As a science teacher you must have prepared Remedial and Enrichment material to meet the needs of diversed learners. Explain these material and the steps involved in their preparation.    

                           ES-342  : TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS
                                                Assignment 1

Answer the following questions   
i)    Justify the place of Mathematics in Secondary School Curriculum.    (250 words)
ii)    Distinguish Analytical and Synthetic Method of teaching Mathematics.    (250 words)
iii)  As a mathematics teacher, you must used Drill and Practice for teaching concepts.

Explain with suitable examples the uses and limitations of Drill and Practice.    (1000 words)

                             ES – 343: TEACHING OF SOCIAL STUDIES
                                               Assignment 01:

Answer the following question:
i) Explain the concept of ‘Social Studies’. Discuss the importance of teaching Social Studies from the view points of learners and the society.    

ii) Choose a topic of your choice from Social Studies curriculum at the secondary level.  Prepare a detailed lesson plan on the same topic.   
iii)  Organise a field work with students of your class choosing appropriate topic from Social Studies Curriculum at the Secondary School level. Prepare a report mentioning planning, organisation, evaluation and instructional benefits of the field work.   
                                 ES-344  : Teaching of English
                                               Assignment 1

Answer the following questions in about 500 words each:

i)  What strategies would you use for teaching English to learners from acquisition- poor backgrounds?   
ii) Develop a criteria and a test for testing a few listening abilities of secondary school learners.   
iii) Among the various abilities and sub-skills of reading, which ones would you focus on at the secondary level? Prepare a plan listing them.


                                               B.Ed (IInd Year)

                                        ES-334  : EDUCATION AND SOCIETY

                                                   Assignment 1

Answer the following questions in about 1500 words   
i)    Briefly explain the Nature of Indian Social Structure.   
ii)    Illustrate the term ‘Social Climate’ of a School   

iii)    As a teacher you must have felt some short comings of the present system.

Mention three of these and suggest the ways of their improvement.   

                         ES – 335: TEACHER AND SCHOOL

                                         Assignment 01

Answer the following questions

i)  Explain the relationship between school and community. Discuss with examples,

how school can intervene in community activities and how community can

contribute to school’s activities.   

ii) Discuss the styles of leadership in school. Which style of leadership, according

to you, is the best for overall development of a school and why?   

iii)   As a teacher you must have encountered with some problems related to management of instruction. Identify any two of such problems. Prepare a report on how you identified there problems and the steps you took to solve these problems.

                    ES – 361: EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY

                                           Assignment 01:

Answer the following questions

i)  Explain how Internet and Intranet play a significant role in school education.   

ii)  Choose a topic of your choice from secondary school curriculum. Select appropriate Media to be used while teaching the topic. Discuss the factors

you will consider while selecting the Media.   

iii)   Choose a topic from the subject you are teaching at the secondary level for a Video programme. Develop a detailed Video script for the same topic.

                        ES-362  : COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION

                                                 Assignment 1

Answer the following questions in about 500 words each:   
i)    Differentiate between linear and branched programme instruction.   
ii)    Explain the important points you will keep in mind while designing a tutorial.   
iii)  Prepare a brief report on the use of computers in financial management in your schools.

                           ES-363  : GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING

                                                     Assignment 1

Answer the following questions

i)   Discuss the various approaches to counselling.   

ii)   Conduct a career counselling session for class X students in your school and report on the following:

a)    Planning for the session

b)    Career information provided during the session

c)    Student queries and your responses

d)    Feedback from students and your colleagues   

iii) Observe and study the socio-emotional and educational problems of a child with disability (HI, VI or MR). Record and discuss your observation with the class teacher and parents of the child. Write about the feedback you have received from the teacher and the parents and the feedback you have given to them.

ES-364  : Distance Education

Assignment 1

Answer the following questions in about 1500 words:

i)    Describe different models of distance education. Analyse the merits and demerits of these models by giving examples from India.

ii)  What are the types and functions of assignments? Explain how assignments

work as teaching-learning tools in distance education.   

iii)   What is format editing in the context of Self-instructional Materials? Highlight the significance of format editing by presenting and comparing any two different formats of your choice.


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